Sunday, January 25, 2009

Stereotypes are horribly common in modern culture. Everywhere you go and with everything you see there is some time of predetermined notion about the subject. The idea of pink think could honestly be coined to anything if you replaced the term 'pink' with just about anything you could think of, such as 'chick think', 'surfer think', and 'geek think'. All of which give a certain image and idea of the subjects which were brought up.

For example, what would be thought of with the term 'goth think'? Perhaps black hair, drugs, anger, and anarchy might arise in the mind. I believe these are common stereotypes of "goths". "Goths" are usually found listeing to music, wearing black, and alone, to add more to the stereotype. Variations might occur in the different opinions of the stereotypes, but typically are very similar.

Could stereotypes go as far as to convict someone of murder? Apparently so. In Memphis, Tennessee, three teenage boys, who fit the typical description for the 'goth' stereotype were accused of murdering three eight-year-old boys. While there was evidence pointing towards other suspects, what did the detectives use as evidence against the teenagers? "Although there was no physical evidence, murder weapon, motive, or connection to the victims, the prosecution pathetically resorted to presenting black hair and clothing, heavy metal t-shirts, and Stephen King novels as proof that the boys were sacrificed in a satanic cult ritual." One of the boys was sentenced to death, another life in jail without parole, and the life plus forty years in jail.

Whether the idea be something seemingly harmless such as 'pink think', or something as horrid as the perceptions and actions regarding 'goth think', stereotyping is at least an inconvenience to most people, and are atrocious at best. If we could see people for who they were, and not for what stereotype they fit into, the world could be a more personal place, instead of the cold and separated world we live in today.


Kayla said...

I agree! I liked your example from the news, that was a good idea!! It really helped you prove your point.

Mrs. Silveira said...

I liked the way you flushed out the goth example. It was great elaboration of an example.